Thursday, 5 June 2008


Anchored by a great screenplay with strong dialogue and narrative, Götz Speilmann's Revanche delivers. The fallout of a bank robbery gone wrong (of course) unfolds with excitement as a superb ensemble cast bring characters in integrated stories - a bored housewife, illegal Russian prostitutes, an empty police officer and a fresh out of gaol criminal - to life with great competence. All four leads shine, particularly Ursula Strauss as the policeman's wife. The shades of grey in her portrayal of Susanne are fascinating. Unlike most contemporary thrillers, Spielmann provides space for his cast to actually act and deliver the emotional punches in his screenplay. It's refreshing that none of his characters exist merely as 'plot devices'; they are all flawed and believable people in a very real environment. All technicals are superb with Martin Gschlacht's thoughtfully framed cinematography and Karina Ressler's simple, unobtrusive editing assisting greatly in the build up of tension. It is indeed a taut thriller and certainly, a must-see.

8.5 on the DaveScale.

(dir. Götz Speilmann, Austria, 121 mins)

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